AMU Asia Homeland Security Intelligence Opinion

North Korea Conducts Third Nuclear Test

By William Tucker

North Korea conducted their third nuclear test today reaching a seismic magnitude of approximately 5.1. This is quite higher than their previous two nuclear tests reaching a suspected yield of between 6-7 kilotons. Pyongyang stated at this test was of a miniature nuclear device; however we have no evidence to confirm that claim. Furthermore, some analysts are claiming that this may have been a device using enriched uranium as opposed to plutonium. Though North Korea does have a uranium enrichment program we have no evidence to support the claim that enriched uranium was used in this current test. Speculation has been rampant up until this point, but what we do know this far is that the test was obviously more successful than the preceding tests. If North Korea’s claims of using a miniature device are true, then they have taken the next step towards creating a deliverable nuclear weapon. For now we’ll have to wait and watch for further evidence of technological advancement in North Korea’s nuclear program.

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